Emile Goozairow is a Russian designer, book architect and author of unusual book construction and decoration. I invent new designs and make different kinds of unusual books: miniature books, pop up books, rope up books, unique books. DIY and indie books.
I stumbled on his book showcases on youtube. He uploaded short videos showing his books and sculptures. I am really fascinated by them, he makes some very interesting and unique designs. He usually makes small books with sculptural details and uses old techniques in innovative ways.
Although there are no tutorials, I was looking at these to try and understand how they were made and If I could apply to the ideas I had.
Mini book "Alphabet of the Forgotten Letter"
The Handmade Book "Encrypted Hamlet`s Soliloquy"
Turkish Map Fold
Besides well-known folding techniques like the accordion fold, many other
techniques and even their names are sometimes quite unfamiliar. The
The Turkish or the Miura fold (although the last one has been described by
its inventor Koryo Miura at the ICC (2001)) are examples. Both folds were
invented before the digital age but are still used today. Therefore they can
be seen as traditional solutions.
An elegant way to fold paper, this technique has traditionally been used to fold maps.
The Book "Encrypted Hamlet`s Soliloquy" by William Shakespeare
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