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Starting up the Agency

Akbar Hunting Mountain Lions, Miniature from a copy of Abu’l-Fazl’s Akbarnama - Mughal Painting, c1590

On the first day of class, we as a group shared our interests, hobbies and favoured topics. After a lot of discussions, we decided to focus our agency on the history and preservation of art. This included but wasn't exactly limited to ancient writing styles - fonts, paintings, art styles, graphic styles, patterns, motifs, etc. The idea here is that we take these art forms that are fading from memory, transforming them to disseminate them to the modern audience.

We are planning on digitizing existing content, and recording oral cultures, preserving them on the internet in an attempt to catalogue them for others who might be interested. Additionally, we also want to create interest in this area, to generate interest in these semi-forgotten visual cultures. I was drawing some inspiration from the MIT Visualizing Cultures Project, where they've preserved and presented so much beautiful, informative content.

We wanted to take it a step further from just digitizing and recording to redesigning and transforming the visuals to generate more content.

Our main target group are students. As such we want to make sure that all of this content is accessible to everyone, a new source of accurate information. A big part that we want to focus on is to make sure that everything is accurate, factual, and without prejudice and bias. By doing this we want to facilitate people in understanding cultures, their history and origins, to appreciate the global diversity.


- Future of design - preserve the past  
- Relationship  with clients, the process of understanding needs and translating that  into what we need to communicate to the general public  
- Agency  - need to accept jobs and clients: Example clients are museums, design schools, galleries, universities, language preservation, location preservation, culture preservation, but also government agencies - post,  textbooks, education. Beauty productions, clothing, anything that sources and claims traditionality and history as their key. Unesco, preservation of buildings, rebuilding of monuments.  
- Relationships with the environment - sustainability  
- Who do we want to work with? 


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