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Continuing the presentation

"Greenhouse gases such as CO2 are rising and the resulting atmosphere has increased wildfires by 50%. Normal wildfires become exponentially worse because of CO2 destroying more land and leaving smoke and ash in its wake."

"With greenhouse gas emissions high and the environment a virtual tinderbox, the ignition point is often caused by humans. The human factor is the biggest cause of forest fires. It can be due to a cigarette but, living too deep into a forest, tree felling or faulty power company machinery."

"Our project is focused on the elements created by these burns. After an uncontrolled forest fire, we are left with only fire, ash, CO2, bone and charcoal. These fires leave all living things, dead in their wake."

This is the basis of the rest of our visual work. We focused on how horrifying it is for a living, breathing human to be reduced to just five elements.

"Something we all need to implement is what is called “prescribed burns” also known as controlled forest fires. Leftover dried out vegetation debris is a huge problem when small controlled fires aren’t carried out. With these fires, the debris is cleared and the soil is fertilized by the burn. All of this helps to reduce future wildfires spiralling out of control."

"In order to solve this problem we also need to turn away from coal and petrol usage immediately, instead of using wind and solar energy. We also need power company reform, where there will be no neglected broken power lines and faulty machinery. This is an easily reduced risk that will prevent further wildfire ignition."

The posters shown here were made by Wen and Ruoxin, and they used the colours and symbols they identified to represent wildfires.


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